Monday, September 9, 2013


We all face obstacles throughout our lives whether we have a disability or not.  Simple fact is that life is not easy and tough things happen.  Today more than ever I believe our attitude and how we act not react to any given situation makes all the difference.  A positive attitude focused in the present is the key.  I have learned to digest a situation first before acting.  Sometimes the best action to take is no action.  Sometimes for me I have to just let things happen and be still.  This is what I am doing today.
We may not always know why things are happening for us.  And I say for us instead of to us because I believe that everything we face in life can be a positive in some way.  It may not always seem that way, but I try to look for the lesson and/or the blessing in each situation.  In many cases we aren’t supposed to know why, it’s not our business.  As long as we plan, do the next right thing and be kind to others, the universe will take care of us. 
I’m facing a rather difficult and scary personal situation today and I just wanted to share how I cope with a stressful situation.  I have tools in my toolbox today and I use them. My beloved Pause Button works every time I push it.  So today I’m pushing the pause button and letting things work them out.  I plan to keep my head up and do what I’m supposed to do.  I also find that sharing any problem with others cuts the problem down and helps me focus on whats in front of me.  I no longer try and bottle things up or handle things on my own.  I use the support  system around me.  The rest is not up to me.  Today I am grateful to have a loving support system, people in my life who always are there for me and know just what to say. 

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